It has been one month since I decided to start blogging about my adventure of creating my Holiday Beach Body! My very motivated first post, I swore off sugar and carbs and told myself I would workout everyday!
Well to say the least Im and imperfect human and didn't do as I wanted exactly! Lets really review how much i've worked out in the last two months and since my very first post.
The month of October:
12 days, 12 out of 27 (I don't count sundays)
Since I wrote my first post (October 21 to today November 20):
14 days, 14 out of 26
The month of November so far:
7 days, 7 out of 26
So since October 1st to November 20th I have only workout:
19 days total, 19 out of 43 days
UGH!! thats less then half! To say the least Im slightly embarrassed! Mostly because I know I could have done better and I know I had the time to do better!
I haven't keep a food log on what I have been eating everyday but after reviewing my workout, Im stating to think I should cause Im sure it would be just as shocking! I feel like I did okay on food! I tried really hard to cook things that were high in protein and low in fats and sugars and incorporate more veggies and fruits. I know for a fact that I had more treats then was necessary though and Im sure that totally ruined a lot of my days!
Im literally realizing how amazing it is to keep a written log! This has been such an eye opening experience so far!
I definitely need to be more disciplined!
Heres some photo's:
these make me feel kinda manly! and like I need a tan!
Heres some side to side comparisons from my previous photos: